
New admins

HovR idea
Total votes : 45

Re: New/Co-Admin

by Irish_Ninja » Wed May 16, 2012 7:35 am

*Another admin? No

*Giving some mods extra commands after making *absolutely sure* that they're comfortable with them? Sure

Waypoints and chests are the ones that come to my attention on a usual day.
I only recently discovered that you couldn't roll back any privated chest, which has made my job slightly harder. When before, I could assume, after a week or two of being hassled to move your house, I could go ahead and rollback everything, including the chests; now, that doesn't appear to be the case. Maybe if rollbacks were to exclude chests, or if we were able to, say, "unselect" a region in worldedit, this would eliminate the issue. For instance, select the entire house, then go inside and deselect the chests&private signs; thus, worldedit would affect everything around those chests. This would make it so a mod doesn't have to rollback tiny bits of a house, individually, in order to remove a shack with a private chest full of stone tools and dirt...

Waypoints, I can see as a potential command for select players. They would need to be handpicked by Zerg, since he's the judge of whether a town qualifies for a waypoint. This also carries with it the inherent dislike from players who you simply can't give a waypoint to, due to their town not looking, well, 'pretty enough' for a waypoint. But it's something to be considered.

As for chest recovery; I could also see this as something we can trust a few more mods with. Of course, they would have to be given a VERY thorough explanation of how it works, and be able to prove they can do it, without any doubt, before being given the command.

Edit: I somewhat agree with Hovr's concept, excluding some of the commands mods should be given. However, I don't think the mods who have been given these extra responsibilities should have any separate rank than [Mod]. So I chose "No."
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Re: New/Co-Admin

by TheZaqwsxz » Wed May 16, 2012 10:17 am

Someone that is Vtn+ and knows how to codes, is gunna be Admin.
Case closed =3
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Re: New/Co-Admin

by jbige7 » Wed May 16, 2012 6:11 pm

I disagree with this, here are my reasons.
1. First off, there is the "Moderator" rank, and that rank can ban/kick/mute.
2. Why would we need someone to have the "Admin" rank, there's no reason for that, and If this topic gets applied by Zerg, I say HovR should get it for many reasons, he's been with us since the beginning, he's a cool guy, he's gotten alot of Experience as a Mod.

Ma reasons!
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Re: New/Co-Admin

by McCoy1996 » Wed May 16, 2012 9:00 pm

Haha, we are talking about administrative things that mods can't do jbige, and HovR isnt exactly active.
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Re: New/Co-Admin

by jack_addy » Thu May 17, 2012 12:21 am

Irish_Ninja Wrote:*Another admin? No

*Giving some mods extra commands after making *absolutely sure* that they're comfortable with them? Sure

Waypoints and chests are the ones that come to my attention on a usual day.
I only recently discovered that you couldn't roll back any privated chest, which has made my job slightly harder. When before, I could assume, after a week or two of being hassled to move your house, I could go ahead and rollback everything, including the chests; now, that doesn't appear to be the case. Maybe if rollbacks were to exclude chests, or if we were able to, say, "unselect" a region in worldedit, this would eliminate the issue. For instance, select the entire house, then go inside and deselect the chests&private signs; thus, worldedit would affect everything around those chests. This would make it so a mod doesn't have to rollback tiny bits of a house, individually, in order to remove a shack with a private chest full of stone tools and dirt...

Waypoints, I can see as a potential command for select players. They would need to be handpicked by Zerg, since he's the judge of whether a town qualifies for a waypoint. This also carries with it the inherent dislike from players who you simply can't give a waypoint to, due to their town not looking, well, 'pretty enough' for a waypoint. But it's something to be considered.

As for chest recovery; I could also see this as something we can trust a few more mods with. Of course, they would have to be given a VERY thorough explanation of how it works, and be able to prove they can do it, without any doubt, before being given the command.

Edit: I somewhat agree with Hovr's concept, excluding some of the commands mods should be given. However, I don't think the mods who have been given these extra responsibilities should have any separate rank than [Mod]. So I chose "No."

I aggree, I have tried to get zerg to check out the main town of HN Town (which was a complete fail) and he said no. So then i built the northern district of HN Town which as WAY better and people have said so.... but zerg wont even look at it. My point is zerg has a is very inpatient becuase he is usually busy creating new plug-ins and codes for the server (Thanks zerg!) I think there should be a handful of mod+ people to be able to break chest locks and roll them back, make wps, and do other admin stuff but there should NEVER be too admins that are equal. No matter what decision kreatious makes the MUST be ONE leader for kreatious. Even if we make multiple admins (most likely not) we still need zerg to be the lead admin. If we have too people that run it together things will most likely turn into drama and biast favoritism and possibly the end of kreatious like it almost did in october.

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Re: New/Co-Admin

by bondsmatthew » Thu May 17, 2012 3:25 am

McCoy1996 Wrote:Haha, we are talking about administrative things that mods can't do jbige, and HovR isnt exactly active.

Derp. No duh..(No offense, but I don't know how to express this otherwise) Why is that? Why are we bringing this up now? Oh, 'cause HovR's idea wasn't taken. Nor thought of twice by zerg(at least that's what he made it to be). What's the reason for both? Ding! Ding! Ding! What I'm trying to say; HovR is inactive - isn't a moderator anymore. Neither am I, neither is italia(I'm mentioning him, for the reason he left along with HovR and I). Why? Zerg wouldn't listen to us; He wouldn't make an A-Mod, H-Mod, or any new admins. He's not going to now.
TheZaqwsxz Wrote:Someone that is Vtn+ and knows how to codes, is gunna be Admin.
Case closed =3

Not true. HovR knew how to code(though not as much as zerg, but nonetheless, still), I was learning how to code to eleviate stress from zerg, sooo... that's not exactly true.
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Re: New/Co-Admin

by Rubinst » Thu May 17, 2012 11:55 am

I think we should even discuss this, because its not our business.

Something im thinking about some time now:
-Give mods a little more power (better reboot or something like that)
-Less fun plugins
- Maybe a plugin that gives Veterans the power of chatmods(temporary ofc) when the normal chatmods are not there.
so if there is a mod+ online he can give that power to them. /give power 1
And im talking about Trusted players ofc!
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Re: New/Co-Admin

by harshlife » Thu May 17, 2012 12:35 pm

I have a feeling that this has become over-exaggerated by zerg's current absence.

New mods/cmods etc are normally assigned after the vet votes are finished.
There may already be some plans in place.

Realisitcally, we dont need a new admin (too many cooks etc).
But maybe we could do with re-empowering mods.
I dont like the idea of a H-Mod etc.. realistically it should be all or nothing.. either someone is trusted not to abuse power or they're not. Simples.
But then, i would support a kind of junior mod idea that would prevent a recently promoted mod from bringing down the server, plus lets people get familiar with bits at a time.
I guess thats a bit contradictory though.
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Re: New/Co-Admin

by kieranchocian » Thu May 17, 2012 9:37 pm

harshlife Wrote:I have a feeling that this has become over-exaggerated by zerg's current absence.

That is exactly what I was thinking... I haven't seen the need for any of this before zerg's vacation, and three of said commands aren't major... Zerg isn't going anywhere for a long enough time for the need for another admin/higher mod.

Honestly, it'll take immense trust to give someone such a rank, as we have had the occasional mod abusing their powers before leaving. If they're given Admin commands, they could bring the server down for sure. I'd rather that not happen, even if that is the worst case scenario.

This was terribly worded, and I apologise for those who got confused. :(
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Re: New/Co-Admin

by Neko92 » Thu May 17, 2012 9:50 pm

+1 @ harsh
harshlife Wrote:I have a feeling that this has become over-exaggerated by zerg's current absence.

However... I have to admit it would be helpful to be able to revert chests. For example... Last night there was 3 people that had left a players town and left many chests with stuff in them. Not sure if anyone recall's my chat spam, but all I could do was break the door locks for the town owner. Another instance is a player that has been inactive for about 3 months left one small chest in a tiny shack near where someone wanted to expand to. Simply put, I had them build over the chest. because I can't revert contents into database.

Back to original post..
malandrix_bunny Wrote:The reasons a new admin may be needed.
Proper start of server during crash
Extremely hard rollback

Waypoints... too many players ask for them when they have little reason to have them accept to lazy to walk or to get more people there. FuFact: They have to walk there anyways to activate it. Few exceptions I would say should be up-and-coming towns way out at +/- 3000, +/- 3000 or more, That people need a waypoint to move materials or help.

Chests... Mods can check contents, if empty. Genrally the lock is broke and chest can be rolledback. Otherwise... my answer to this is above.

Clans... Mods can change player clans as is. Creating a clan however? There is plenty of clans as is, why not just join one of them... in the case of wanting a new one. In my experience, few to no one tends to meet requirements for clans as Zerg has set in the clans forum. Also would be hard for Mods to check if the player has a clan already, without them being online and talking in chat.

Proper Start and Backup... I have no clue how they work to reply to this...

Extremely Hard Rollback... Uhm... ? I've only had one time this happened, which Feir talked me through how to fix it, which was essentially to do it in sections because the area was too big. So... in the end it wasn't all that hard. Minus the current "rolling back full chests" issue, What constitutes as a "extremely hard rollback" ?
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