"Keep it PG"

"Keep it PG"

by MrReebo » Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:20 pm

Your in-game name: MrReebo
Person who banned you: Wall-E
Reason given for ban: Cursing Again
Reason(s) you should be unbanned:

In all honesty, I can never tell when someone on the server is trolling, or telling the truth. I usually listen to what people tell me and believe it to be true. For example, I was told cursing was not allowed. I stopped cursing.
Later someone else told me that some cursing was okay. I believed them, and I was not banned for saying "damn" repeatedly.

Since then, I have seen many people cursing, and while not using the eff words or the racial/sexist slangs, i watched intently waiting for them to be at least kicked. They weren't. So at this point, I no longer know what words are okay, and what words are not, other then the "eff words or the racial/sexist slangs"

Along with this, I was constantly told to keep it "PG". Now, every time I have been banned by Wall-e, it has been something like "shit" or "dick". However, today it was "Bitch", as I was unaware at the time if it was allowed or not. So, my argument is this, "Keep it PG=mild language"

So, I have been told to keep it PG many MANY times, and realize that there are many people from different countries on this server, so I'm sure this varies, however, where I am from (America) The MPAA runs the show. Now, according to them, the only swears you CAN'T have in a PG movie are things like the "eff words or the racial/sexist slangs". I have heard the following used in PG movies:
Ass, Damn, Bitch, Shit, Dick, Hell, Prick, Bastard, Piss, and even once, Whore.
So, as an American who hears these words in PG movies, I am often confused when I am banned for saying something like "Shit", or even "Dick". I understand that to some, these may only be allowed in PG-13, or (I doubt it) even only R rated films, but here, they are allowed. So, I'm really very tired of trying to see what is okay, so I plan to just stop entirely again.

Anyway, I have the rest of the day to kill and it's only 12:30 here. Please un-ban me.
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Re: "Keep it PG"

by cruiserman » Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:54 pm

simply don't cuss and we wont have this issue again... and as for the ban you have 2 past offences for the same thing so I see no reason to unban you.
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Re: "Keep it PG"

by MrReebo » Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:01 pm

Maybe because I don't know what gets me banned? "Keep it PG" varies so much, and where I am form, the things I said are typically FOUND in PG movies. I don't know what is allowed, which is why I said in the thingy, that I would be done all together.
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Re: "Keep it PG"

by cruiserman » Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:46 am

How bout you just not use curse words?
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Re: "Keep it PG"

by Irish_Ninja » Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:35 am

As far as most mods are concerned, mild swearing, such as "damn," or "ass" are tolerated, as long as their use is kept at a minimum. "Hell," or "piss" are even more mild, in my opinion. Other words, such as the ones you mentioned in your original post, are a little bit over the top, and we'd prefer they'd not be used on a server where kids play.

Also, be aware that the term, "keep it PG" may have also been directed at a certain topic you may have been discussing. The only times I recall ever using that warning, is when people get onto a topic that I feel isn't suitable around kids. (Such as sexual topics, whether or not they include profanity).

Your ban is probably already expired at this point, so it's technically declined, but just try to keep those things in mind. Rule of thumb, if you wouldn't say it around an 8 year old child, or your own grandmother, best not say it in Global chat.
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