vtn votes

vtn votes

by calcalkid2000 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:35 pm

i dont understand what it takes to be in vtn votes. i have 500 hours, and i know tons of kids have lots of hours and havent been in the votes,. but kids with like 300 hours are, me and my friends wanna know why. is it our age, how we act, our activity rating, or even our stats like blocks broken/placed! i just wanna know, why.
Last edited by calcalkid2000 on Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: vtn votes

by malandrix_bunny » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:13 pm

Why are you mad? Its just a rank, we dont like to vote for people who BEG for it. Hours are NOT important and neither is having a ton of friends. We look for those active in chat, helpful to NOOBS and Nonnoobs. Quality > time of playing
Look, i'm a 13 year old but i made it into the votes and won, you will get it when the current vtns and mods believe you deserve it :D
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Re: vtn votes

by jbige7 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:44 am

Look kid, I've been with kreatious/VC for over 16 months, yet I don't have Vtn yet, do you see me complaining?
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Re: vtn votes

by pyrusbrawler30 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:48 am

Just being here a long time doesn't garuntee vtn status.... You need to be kind, helpful and respectful. Having lots of hours HELPS but doesn't GIVE it....
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Re: vtn votes

by Arjan_M » Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:15 am

Well, You can be active and have 1000 hours. If you don't show good veteran/ (more important..) Mod material you won't get chosen.

Making posts acting why doesn't really help your cause either..
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Re: vtn votes

by JUSTRON123 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:17 am

I'm going to take the "unpopular" decision here. And I use quotes because it is not an unpopular opinion among most of kreatious, it is only an unpopular opinion among those in positions of power and those who are sucking up to them.

The Vtn votes are not about how helpful you are, or how many hours you have, or any of the things that the current aristocrats of the server say they are. The Vtn votes are about whoever fits in better with the royal clique and their self-righteous view of the others on the server. Aceflamingo was a good example. You would have thought his trolling was great fun, if he was the kin of suck-up who got to a position of power quickly. You would have embraced Supermario's ideas for reform if he had power. (okay maybe not that one, you higher-ups sure like to maintain the status quo through any means possible.
I have been on the server since 1.6 and have 550+ hours, and I own what is probably the most continuously populated town on the server (notice Sunside was built organically and has a tight knit community unlike these ridiculous cities that pop up in a week and are depopulated by the same time the week after). I still don't have power. I see these rude, smug guys come on the server and within a few weeks they are suddenly Vtn or Mod.

I know you all hate KoTOt, but this is the reason KoTOT exists. Supermario wanted fairness and equality for all on the server. Instead, you favor the powerful and the suckups. When a different player needs help, you say: "I can't do anything about it" Yeah, right. When a powerful player wants something done, you move mountains to make it happen.

I honestly don't see how you can claim that the Vtn votes are about being nice, helpful, and contributing to the community, when they are obviously about the best suckup or the best new popular guy. Especially the nice thing makes no sense. Many of the Vtns and mods are some of the rudest players I have ever met. You chastise the "nobodies" for speaking their mind, and then encourage this behavior among yourselves by looking on this as "cool". On the forums, a nobody makes a topic with ideas, you do nothing but criticize. A higher up proposes an idea, suddenly it is the best idea ever to have been created. A nobody posts about leaving, you tell them that they are only looking for attention and will not get any sympathy. Then all the suck ups come into the threads where you start picking on them and start piling on with the criticism. That is not a healthy environment to encourage cooperation or innovation, but I know that you will never change it, at least as long as you continue to ban those who you disagree with on server reform, just to maintain the corrupt status quo.

Rant over.
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Re: vtn votes

by iExspee » Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:46 am

Cal, let me just say that asking for vtn is without a doubt the best way to not get vtn. Now I'm not being mean here so don't take this the wrong way but I know a lot lot more people who deserve vtn than you do. I have been trying to get current residents and donors to become vtn for the past 4 months.

Also it's not about your age, but it's about how mature you are. Judging by this list you're not very mature. I will name the current people who I think deserve vtn before most.

Harshlife. Tweekmore. Follet. Omitsjosh. I could name a lot but I won't waste my time.
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Re: vtn votes

by calcalkid2000 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:48 am

jeezus chirst! i was curious what the freak zerg is looking for in someone to be a vtn! i am not complaining! Believe me, i know i have said i wanna be vtn, A LOT. its a thing where it comes and goes. maybe it wad the Npatterson thing where i wanted to ban him, idk! but in the past few months i have had a lot of fun just building and talking with my friends, now being vtn is literally the last thing i would wanna be. the reason i made this post is because i have some friends online who play a lot and got me all pissed that i am not vtn when i posted it. i mean it would be nice to be vtn but not fun.
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Re: vtn votes

by calcalkid2000 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:03 am

and aquad, u live in australia?
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Re: vtn votes

by jack_addy » Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:13 am

youre makin me face palm so freakin hard.

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