The only reason he is one of the most respected Rsd's on kreatious is because he is so good at sucking up to the veterans and mods that they boost his reputation for him. Justron has much more respect among lower ranking members, because he is actually nice and not a smug elitist like you or Tweekmore.
I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but there is a sense of rudeness, superiority, and entitlement around you and Tweekmore that many of the lower ranks do not appreciate.
aquad1 Wrote:The only reason he is one of the most respected Rsd's on kreatious is because he is so good at sucking up to the veterans and mods that they boost his reputation for him. Justron has much more respect among lower ranking members, because he is actually nice and not a smug elitist like you or Tweekmore.
I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but there is a sense of rudeness, superiority, and entitlement around you and Tweekmore that many of the lower ranks do not appreciate.
Okay kid, say what you want, I know who's going to win at the end of the day here. And I will give you a hint, you don't win.
aceflamingo23 Wrote:aquad1 Wrote:The only reason he is one of the most respected Rsd's on kreatious is because he is so good at sucking up to the veterans and mods that they boost his reputation for him. Justron has much more respect among lower ranking members, because he is actually nice and not a smug elitist like you or Tweekmore.
I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but there is a sense of rudeness, superiority, and entitlement around you and Tweekmore that many of the lower ranks do not appreciate.
Okay kid, say what you want, I know who's going to win at the end of the day here. And I will give you a hint, you don't win.
That's another thing that bothers me about you. You call me kid, even thought I am older than you are. You patronize me, then you don't even offer a reasonable defense and claim victory when you have lost simply by not offering any defense.
Sorry, I don't like the whole "tough guy" act.
This is the last I have to say on this topic. I have said all that I have needed to, and to avoid causing further argument, I am removing myself from the conversation.
malandrix_bunny Wrote:Ooh. a topic all ade just for ME! If anyone doesnt understand what i ean is the reason he posted this is because he wants y enderman xp farm gone. I built it in a place that was relatively solitary. I then realized that ost farms were built to the direction of y bridge. I KNEW NOTHING about the spawn rates of enderman. So i built, now tweek goes off and calls e a fat no life c*** and goes on about how i a a virgin just because y d*** isnt circusized! That's your best reaction to an enderan xp farm? you then tell me i screwing up your rates, i look back at what you have called me and i say well i guess thats good. THEN you make fun of my religion not jokes but serious rants "Catholic religion is for 40 year old virgins who will never get laid." Really?! Who says that over an enderman xp farm? Then you built a platform atleast 25 blocks away from my tower and said feels nice doesnt it? and then i told cruiser, he flooded it you called be a fat fu**** c*** and got zerg to /drain my tower.
And thats why you want this passed... NOT because of the general good.
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