H1wilson: He has been part of the community for ever. I think back in the vanillacraft days. Or around there. Don''t demote.
Fluffytoast: He is a guy in college he has more important stuff than minecraft. But still when he was here and when he comes on he is pretty helpful and nice.
Dritalia47: He is pretty much done with minecraft. I've talked to him and he is mostly interested in xbox gaming now. He also has school on his hands. From what i see he is just in the group. Ingame he is a default with mod powers.

Ric: He is a good guy. He is trying to limit his time on the internet. He has life to deal with. Leave him with mod.
SirDukem: I dont think he play MC anymore. Most everyone that he knew from back in the beginning is gone. Like all the mode and vtns. He dosent know many people. He is still a helpful guy. I play LoL with him some times.
Over all i say leave everyone maybe dritalia can be demoted.