Lets get this straight about Metro

Lets get this straight about Metro

by stickguy7 » Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:42 am

In my absence, I have decided to give co-ownership to Tkdwebster12 and Icefang113. That means they both have the right to sell you a lot, and in turn take away that lot if you happen to break a rule in the town. Here are some reasons why you can be kicked out: Failure to pay fine for being banned over 12 hours (Which is one diamond), building outside lot, never finishing lot after being given a two week warning to make a decent amount of progress on it or getting it to a point where it can be considered a substantial structure (I.E. There are 4 walls, floor, and ceiling) which then leads to you being given a 1 week warning to tear down your structure and get out of the town. After one week, if the structure is not torn down, TkdWebster12 or Icefang113 both have the right to either consult a moderator to rollback the lot to non existence, or if it is more convenient, tear down the lot themselves. I consider it highly unfair to think that if they tear down your lot, you get the blocks back. Since they are the ones who used their time and resources to tear down your lot, it would only be considered fair that they keep the blocks they have taken down. Since the player was given 3 weeks to work on their lot/get out of the town, I do not see it as being necessary that we should give you your items/blocks back that you left in the lot.

Here is a quick guide:

* House is unfinished/not considered to be a home, they are issued a two week warning through private message and a sign placed in front of the lot.

* After two weeks, if said house/structure is not considered substantial(Has a floor, ceiling, and walls at least) then they will be issued a 1 week warning to get out of the town.

* After one week, whatever is left in the lot can either be rolled back to nothing by a moderator, or torn down by either Icefang113 or TkdWebster12, whichever is more convenient at the time for them.

*Blocks torn down by either of them can and will be kept by them, since they had to use their own resources and time to tear it down.

Okay, now onto reasons why certain people have been kicked out.

*He build a stone brick path from Metro to his home south of Donor Town to behind his lot in Metro which is considered to be unauthorized building outside of lot boundaries.
*Approx. three months ago, I personally gave him a 2 week warning to work to make a substantial amount of work on his lot/make a substantial home. Since I have not been online, I have not been able to enforce this till now.
*What he calls 'Work' is building 33% of the second floor/first floor ceiling and building one the two required staircases to get to the second floor.
*If I was on, I would have enforced the 1 week get out and pack your bags, but because I was not, he was still able to keep his lot.
*When TkdWebster12 approached me about his lot, I gave him full permission to continue with the procedure I did not finish.

*Built 75 blocks away from her lot underwater, which I warned her about to clean up. Speed up to recently, when I found out she did not in fact clean it up. TkdWebster12 and Icefang113 both found out, and promptly kicked her out. If there are still problems about who's who's, I will be completely fine by giving out items from my personal chests.
* Your constant bashing of TkdWebster12 and him apparently "He is griefing and destroying Metro!" is completely false. As yet I have to explain again, he is co-owner along with Icefang113 and has full right over the city. What he has so far done in the city is kick/ban people from there who either have not finished their lot, did not pay a fine for their ban, building outside their lot, or griefing.

In conclusion, I want to clear up what is going on with Metro as I am sick of the bashing against TkdWebster12 because all he is doing is his job. I'll admit, we have made mistakes when dealing with problems that arise, but we try out best to resolve them.
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Re: Lets get this straight about Metro

by iExspee » Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:51 pm

I don't exactly see why this is exactly in Serious Discussion..
I think it should be in the "towns" section of the forum.
But, okay Stick, thanks for letting us know.
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Re: Lets get this straight about Metro

by jbige7 » Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:57 am

Stickguy.... Why is this inbserious discussion?
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Re: Lets get this straight about Metro

by Neko92 » Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:32 am

I would say its in serious... because it had half of donor channel in uproar one day. With lefty raging trying to get tkdwebster banned, when tkd was doing as he was told/allowed. Stickguy is setting the story straight, as though it is his city. He's taking responsibility. Unlike some people lately...
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Re: Lets get this straight about Metro

by mattme1 » Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:12 am

Agree with neko
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Re: Lets get this straight about Metro

by X_Kyro_X » Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:59 pm

Hmm...Perhaps even though you have allowed Icefang and tkdwebster to manage your city, you might've not made this very clear..? That might explain why people are thinking tkd is 'griefing'.

Btw Neko, I found out what that tiny message was ;)
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