You should make books on war strategies and only sell them in a personal trade with only flame warriors.. I can help with Ideas if you're dry (have lead armies on other games and my just before bed thoughts last night was how those strategies apply to minecraft)
Pyrus those posts were from b4 the forum ban and can i be a flame Sargent? My G-Pa was a Sargent in the Marines during Vietnam and Korea so i want to be one here and IRL. So can i be one here?
Who: ChubbyPikachu Server Rank: Rsd Have you been banned? if so, how many times, and why? No Desired building and if it's a job of some sort, why: I wanan be the Librarian, and make books for Sgts and Leaders to think and use in war.
I don't know if we'll have an army and if w do I don't know who will "lead" it (besides obv pyrus) but should it come to fruition I want to collaborate with whoever is chosen commander, I have strategies that beg to be implemented