by iAustralian » Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:34 am
I'll explain exactly what'll end up happening;
1] You'll set up base. Find it cozy, everyone'll be fine.
2] A few zombies show up. A few panic whilst the rest try and kill them.
3] A few members get restless. They put a way-point there, or mark the coordinates, and venture out.
4] One, maybe two members get infected. Those that are left laugh in Chat whilst they eventually make their way to the marked coordinates.
5] That one infected member hits another, and another - He then shares the coordinates of this base to his/her fellow Zeds.
6] It comes down to 2-3 members. They sit in a room, crouching, each in a corner with a drawn bow. Soon enough, the infected break through and get any survivors.
I suspect this'll happen in maybe the first Hour, or a while after depending on how full the Server is. I'll stick to my Bunker. Food, Farming Supplies, Infinity Bows, Potions, Suicide Booth - I'd prefer to go down then live as a Zed. =P
[[Insert Inspirational Quote Here]]
Origin ID: vMrLegacy (Currently only have Battlefield 3, next game will most likely be MoH: WF, so if you have either, add me)
Steam: Colon-Apostrophe-Capitalized-C (Long story, just add it)