X_Kyro_X Wrote:Who: X_Kyro_X
Server Rank: Vtn
Have you been banned? if so, how many times, and why? NOPE
Desired building and if it's a job of some sort, why: Whatever fits me I guess. The stuff I wanted are already occupied so..
zuko135 Wrote:Post up some screen shots of the castle I NEED TO SEE IT!
pyrusbrawler30 Wrote:X_Kyro_X Wrote:Who: X_Kyro_X
Server Rank: Vtn
Have you been banned? if so, how many times, and why? NOPE
Desired building and if it's a job of some sort, why: Whatever fits me I guess. The stuff I wanted are already occupied so..
Well kyro, You are more than welcome in this town, but You still have the chance to decide on what job you would like if you want one!
Also dragonslayer, I was thinking more towards like an armored Fire-themed person. Not a near clone of myself XD
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