by Teslaterror » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:46 am

THe group elisum had trespassed on my land and use the revert command to destroy my fortress wall which took my forever. I want them gone from my area since they trespassed and defiled my land .

their stupid city that doesnt even have enough people to be considered a town.

here is evidence of elisum's power abuse and they suddenly hacked the wordledit and added water to their land somehow. it appeared out of nowhere. Neko or another moderator gave me that land back as for it was rightfully mine, The land was rightfully mine by usage rules because all of elisum left for months on end.


they griefed an entire section using the revert command, abusing it. Zerg saw how hard I worked on that fortress wall
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by iExspee » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:25 am

We have no idea that that's your town or his... please provide more images to prove this this is your town. Also if you are going to have a huge rage over it, speak to a mod in game.
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by Neko92 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:29 am

They were inactive (3-5 months) Tesla, also as it is not a town. More of a plateau or something they never finished. I would call it a home or base. A very big one. so they were only allowed 25 blocks from their wall per the Server rules posted here.

Server Rules Wrote:Do not build within at least 25 blocks of blocks of another player's property, unless you both agree.

So you were within permitted distance.

I do recall allowing them to build a road on the Z-Axis to their base/home but never said they could destroy your wall. Didn't know they were even back to of said they could. So I have rolled back your wall.

Furthermore, Seems you built in that area around January - February. They seem to of built there around May. So you were also first in that area.

I may have missed some stuff as all I have to base this off of is memory of something a long time ago. What zerg told me about what happened earlier. The grief logs, build history and of course this thread. From all that I've determined you rightfully own the land Teslaterror.

I invite NickMachine and his friends to challenge the facts I have witnessed. Till then Tesla, refer a mod to this post if it happens again. I know for a fact it will be hard for them to figure it out since they weren't involved.
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by ChubbyPikachu25 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:09 pm

Do you only post about old structures and your land?
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by darkone1010 » Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:15 am

To Whomever It May Concern,

We, the members of the Ender Council of Elisium, are both sick and tired of Mr. Teslaterror’s accusations and claims of tyranny. All of the arguments used against us are not valid and will be proved as such in this cleverly written out argumentative essay. The claims against us are the following: inactivity, trespassing, defiling Teslaterror’s land, being stupid, and hacking WorldEdit. Of course, none of these accusations are true as we are about to prove.

Before we begin, we would like to say that contrary to what Mr. Teslaterror wishes to convey, the Ender Council of Elisium has not – in any way, shape, or form – trespassed on his property. We started off with an underground home surrounded by a cacti fence. This was built by councilman Ajeru. As more councilmen were recruited- namely Nickmachine, Darkone1010, and LordCobalt – we decided to expand our territory. During this expansion, we had found a large hole in the desert – what we would later learn to have been one of Mr. Teslaterror’s mineshaft entrances. The Ender Council had at this point in time called for a moderator to ask if it were at all possible to be given permission to build over this entrance. The moderator approved our request because Teslaterror had been offline for a number of months – approximately six months. It would not be an additional two months before he would return and start arguing with us for claim over the mineshaft. Let the record also show that the mineshaft was not filled in, but rather only the top layer of one entrance covered to make a floor for the city of Elisium.

To start, the question of our inactivity cannot be described as adequate enough to constitute a loss of land from our part. The amount of time that we, Elisium, have been offline has been between two and three months, but does not exceed the three to five month inactivity period that the server rules dictate. Additionally, our “inactivity” can be described as intermittent and scattered, whereas even our rarest member Michael (M10R) has logged into the server in the past month. In addition to all of the aforementioned contretemps, it should be noted that no member of the Ender Council of Elisium, save for councilman Yoyojoe13, had been inactive for more than the month surrounding the end of August, and the start of October. This period marked the beginning of the next school year, and all councilmen found themselves busied for this brief time by their share of college work, whereby the councilmen returned for intermittent activity during the span of time enclosing early October to late November. This amount of time is not anywhere near to the estimated three to five months Mr. Teslaterror claims we were fully inactive for. We do not need to all be on at one time in order to be seen as active, nor do we actually have to modify our already finished entranceway to our city. During the intermittent activity, indeed, changes were made in our storage room, our houses, and our “diamond block shrines.” Clearly, Elisium has not been inactive enough to constitute a loss of land according to the server rules.

Moreover, we, the Ender Council of Elisium, would like to point out the fact that Mr. Teslaterror was the one who, instead, not only encroached on our land given to us by moderators on multiple occasions, but also instigated each and every altercation that we have had against him. As Neko might remember, Mr. Teslaterror has an anger issue and is very aggressive in his actions. Id est, the instance where he proceeded to build a “sky-bridge” of sorts over our land with the express purpose of dumping water and lava unto the city of Elisium after being told multiple times by multiple moderators that he had no claim to our land due to his inactivity. The action later resulted in the burning down of LordCobalt’s house, which despite the moderators’ best efforts, could not be fully reverted. After investigation, the problem was that we built our city on his so called mine, which was more like a ten-by-ten hole in the ground. The reason we covered this hole was that we had had permission to do so from various mods on the server because of Mr. Teslaterror’s inactivity prior to the completion of our city in the months between January and July. The server rules say that others can build twenty-five blocks away from another person’s property unless there is another agreement among them. The property we own includes the forty-by-two-hundred sand “buffer zone” enclosed by a fence, and therefore should have a twenty-five block radius of safety from the rules. This is not the case however, because of a previous agreement made with Mr. Teslaterror, in which we agreed that he may build up to the fence, but not including one block between the fence and his land that was to remain neutral as marked by dirt. This agreement was made in August and does not have a time limit. By “trespassing and defiling,” not only our land, but our agreement, Mr. Teslaterror has proven himself both incredulous and hypocritical. Obviously, Elisium did not trespass nor defile the land that Mr. Teslaterror claims to own.

Indubitably, Mr. Teslaterror’s arguments that we have in any sort “hacked” and/or “abused” WorldEdit and the “/revert” command, respectively, can only be seen as entirely fallacious and incredulous. Mr. Teslaterror not only shows how unorganised he is with his own facts, but also shows that his assertions should be taken with a grain of salt. Mr. Teslaterror clearly has no recollection of the water bucket, clearly shows ignorance of basic water physics, and clearly wishes his audience to believe the fantasy that we could not have simply acquired a pickaxe to demolish his blasphemy of our property. Continuing with point, it is also clear that Mr. Teslaterror’s supposed claim against the Ender Council of Elisium can only be taken as laughable due to his appalling misuse of common English grammar and syntax, the misspellings of our city’s name, and the gratuitous misrepresentation of the facts of the matter. He has obviously never heard of water buckets before this point, but we did in fact add the water by ourselves using two water buckets and common knowledge of Minecraft water physics. Also, we did not use the revert command as we do not believe we are allowed to do so for such a big area, instead, we patiently, and methodically, took down the wall that Mr. Teslaterror built to trespass and defile our land and agreement. Furthermore, I do not believe it is possible to hack WorldEdit at all, and if we did “hack WorldEdit”, we would not have added such a tiny lake in front of our city, but instead moved our city somewhere else so that we do not have to constantly deal with the annoyance that is Mr. Teslaterror. As you can see, Mr. Terror has no idea what he is talking about and is completely incredulous in his arguments against us.

In a nutshell, Mr. Teslaterror’s arguments and evidence against us is completely null and void, and we can see that he is clearly not a credulous source. His prior aggression against us, and inability to come to an agreement with us despite our openness to compromise obviously show what kind of a person he really is and he should not be trusted. Our land is exactly that, ours, and we will not give up a twenty by two-hundred area in front of our city because of inactivity that did not actually happen. We are not trespassers, but instead the ones being trespassed upon, we did not defile “his land”, but instead he defiled ours. And as a final point, we are not “stupid”, and we certainly did not abuse revert and/or hack WorldEdit.

Thank you for your time,
The Ender Council of Elisium:
Nickmachine; LordCobalt; Darkone1010; Ajeru; JulioisGod; M10r; Yoyojoe13
Joined: Sun May 27, 2012 2:01 am


by Neko92 » Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:42 am

Talked to Nickmachine ingame. Result of this dispute pending Ajeru's return with Vital evidence to who owns the land.

Till then, leave the land between Teslaterror and Elisium alone.
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by Teslaterror » Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:23 pm

Neko92 Wrote:Talked to Nickmachine ingame. Result of this dispute pending Ajeru's return with Vital evidence to who owns the land.

Till then, leave the land between Teslaterror and Elisium alone.

I started builidng in january, they didnt arrive until june or july.

They did it again using the revert command! I was on the land first so I have the rights to it, I had a mine close by that i used and elisum left for three months so i claimed much land i could back from those filthy shisnos, those guys dont even have a town, its only a small neigborhood of AFK players who should be more focused on college work than a video game.

This is ticking off to the point where I am willing to move to arcation because of this trifle nonsense, I was there first legitly, They griefed the torches i had out going to my mineshaft using water and stuff like that. I have dug out most of the area in the first place and they griefed my territory by building a small shack near my house for a skele spawner which was them provoking me in the first place
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by Teslaterror » Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:31 pm

Elisum also has another city called infernum which they have yet to build which proves they are carelessly expanding, they're not even full in their first city! I bet I have enough diamond blocks to buy their whole lame city out.

Simple my land, they are simply squatting on it without my permission in the first place. This is why we are lacking permanant players, its cuz of shisnos like elisum
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by pyrusbrawler30 » Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:00 pm

No double posting please, instead just edit you're post ;)
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by Teslaterror » Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:08 pm

darkone1010 Wrote:To Whomever It May Concern,

We, the members of the Ender Council of Elisium, are both sick and tired of Mr. Teslaterror’s accusations and claims of tyranny. All of the arguments used against us are not valid and will be proved as such in this cleverly written out argumentative essay. The claims against us are the following: inactivity, trespassing, defiling Teslaterror’s land, being stupid, and hacking WorldEdit. Of course, none of these accusations are true as we are about to prove.

Before we begin, we would like to say that contrary to what Mr. Teslaterror wishes to convey, the Ender Council of Elisium has not – in any way, shape, or form – trespassed on his property. We started off with an underground home surrounded by a cacti fence. This was built by councilman Ajeru. As more councilmen were recruited- namely Nickmachine, Darkone1010, and LordCobalt – we decided to expand our territory. During this expansion, we had found a large hole in the desert – what we would later learn to have been one of Mr. Teslaterror’s mineshaft entrances. The Ender Council had at this point in time called for a moderator to ask if it were at all possible to be given permission to build over this entrance. The moderator approved our request because Teslaterror had been offline for a number of months – approximately six months. It would not be an additional two months before he would return and start arguing with us for claim over the mineshaft. Let the record also show that the mineshaft was not filled in, but rather only the top layer of one entrance covered to make a floor for the city of Elisium.

To start, the question of our inactivity cannot be described as adequate enough to constitute a loss of land from our part. The amount of time that we, Elisium, have been offline has been between two and three months, but does not exceed the three to five month inactivity period that the server rules dictate. Additionally, our “inactivity” can be described as intermittent and scattered, whereas even our rarest member Michael (M10R) has logged into the server in the past month. In addition to all of the aforementioned contretemps, it should be noted that no member of the Ender Council of Elisium, save for councilman Yoyojoe13, had been inactive for more than the month surrounding the end of August, and the start of October. This period marked the beginning of the next school year, and all councilmen found themselves busied for this brief time by their share of college work, whereby the councilmen returned for intermittent activity during the span of time enclosing early October to late November. This amount of time is not anywhere near to the estimated three to five months Mr. Teslaterror claims we were fully inactive for. We do not need to all be on at one time in order to be seen as active, nor do we actually have to modify our already finished entranceway to our city. During the intermittent activity, indeed, changes were made in our storage room, our houses, and our “diamond block shrines.” Clearly, Elisium has not been inactive enough to constitute a loss of land according to the server rules.

Moreover, we, the Ender Council of Elisium, would like to point out the fact that Mr. Teslaterror was the one who, instead, not only encroached on our land given to us by moderators on multiple occasions, but also instigated each and every altercation that we have had against him. As Neko might remember, Mr. Teslaterror has an anger issue and is very aggressive in his actions. Id est, the instance where he proceeded to build a “sky-bridge” of sorts over our land with the express purpose of dumping water and lava unto the city of Elisium after being told multiple times by multiple moderators that he had no claim to our land due to his inactivity. The action later resulted in the burning down of LordCobalt’s house, which despite the moderators’ best efforts, could not be fully reverted. After investigation, the problem was that we built our city on his so called mine, which was more like a ten-by-ten hole in the ground. The reason we covered this hole was that we had had permission to do so from various mods on the server because of Mr. Teslaterror’s inactivity prior to the completion of our city in the months between January and July. The server rules say that others can build twenty-five blocks away from another person’s property unless there is another agreement among them. The property we own includes the forty-by-two-hundred sand “buffer zone” enclosed by a fence, and therefore should have a twenty-five block radius of safety from the rules. This is not the case however, because of a previous agreement made with Mr. Teslaterror, in which we agreed that he may build up to the fence, but not including one block between the fence and his land that was to remain neutral as marked by dirt. This agreement was made in August and does not have a time limit. By “trespassing and defiling,” not only our land, but our agreement, Mr. Teslaterror has proven himself both incredulous and hypocritical. Obviously, Elisium did not trespass nor defile the land that Mr. Teslaterror claims to own.

Indubitably, Mr. Teslaterror’s arguments that we have in any sort “hacked” and/or “abused” WorldEdit and the “/revert” command, respectively, can only be seen as entirely fallacious and incredulous. Mr. Teslaterror not only shows how unorganised he is with his own facts, but also shows that his assertions should be taken with a grain of salt. Mr. Teslaterror clearly has no recollection of the water bucket, clearly shows ignorance of basic water physics, and clearly wishes his audience to believe the fantasy that we could not have simply acquired a pickaxe to demolish his blasphemy of our property. Continuing with point, it is also clear that Mr. Teslaterror’s supposed claim against the Ender Council of Elisium can only be taken as laughable due to his appalling misuse of common English grammar and syntax, the misspellings of our city’s name, and the gratuitous misrepresentation of the facts of the matter. He has obviously never heard of water buckets before this point, but we did in fact add the water by ourselves using two water buckets and common knowledge of Minecraft water physics. Also, we did not use the revert command as we do not believe we are allowed to do so for such a big area, instead, we patiently, and methodically, took down the wall that Mr. Teslaterror built to trespass and defile our land and agreement. Furthermore, I do not believe it is possible to hack WorldEdit at all, and if we did “hack WorldEdit”, we would not have added such a tiny lake in front of our city, but instead moved our city somewhere else so that we do not have to constantly deal with the annoyance that is Mr. Teslaterror. As you can see, Mr. Terror has no idea what he is talking about and is completely incredulous in his arguments against us.

In a nutshell, Mr. Teslaterror’s arguments and evidence against us is completely null and void, and we can see that he is clearly not a credulous source. His prior aggression against us, and inability to come to an agreement with us despite our openness to compromise obviously show what kind of a person he really is and he should not be trusted. Our land is exactly that, ours, and we will not give up a twenty by two-hundred area in front of our city because of inactivity that did not actually happen. We are not trespassers, but instead the ones being trespassed upon, we did not defile “his land”, but instead he defiled ours. And as a final point, we are not “stupid”, and we certainly did not abuse revert and/or hack WorldEdit.

Thank you for your time,
The Ender Council of Elisium:
Nickmachine; LordCobalt; Darkone1010; Ajeru; JulioisGod; M10r; Yoyojoe13

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