Advisory: Teslaterror's Foothold in New continent

Advisory: Teslaterror's Foothold in New continent

by Teslaterror » Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:35 am

I have successfully established a foothold in the new continent, This post is notifying individuals of the claim's perimeter which is marked by two markers: Marker 1 (X -157, Z 8554), Marker 2 (X 95, Z 8335). These two markers indicate the square perimeter of my new territory's boundary so to forewarn anyone who intends to settle in the nearby vicinity to be aware of a militarized camp that is undergoing fortification efforts to gain decent footing and foreseeing possible expansion efforts.

Notification to any local suppliers of materials: The outpost requires constant shipment of Timber, Stone, Sand and other miscellaneous Goods. The quantity required is that on an industrial level to satisfy Upkeep and maintenance but Merchants will be paid in Valuable minerals in exchange for meeting my resource demands.

(breaking it down for those lost in translation: Im moving to the new continent and building a new fortress although slightly smaller to begin with so i can decide to add on to it later; basically stay off and away from my land as much as possible, Its for my and others' safety that i warn you. Once I manage to get my fort walls up, I will be a little bit more friendly towards nearby settlers that want to set up a home in the nearby biomes. I also looking for a ton of building stuff as well as some odd ends, I manage to acquire some minerals like iron, gold and diamonds on the new continent, Im sorry to those who are unable to reach me from the old continent. Im essentially screwed without access to the Terror complex's resource stockpile due the happy fun time so im kinda relying traders in the new continent of Aegea (My name for the new continent))
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