New Kreatious Republic

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Re: New Kreatious Republic

by zuko135 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:11 am

Well, Mojang sucks BUTT and lost my account because they don't have it in they're database so that means they lost it so that means I have no account and I have to get another account and another e-mail...
F M L!!! And NOT "for the win"
So I might have to send you a pic of me for the Sargent frame and I won't be on for about... Ever...
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Re: New Kreatious Republic

by AwesomeDude0021 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:36 am

What is your IGN (In-Game-Name)? AwesomeDude0021
Why do you want to join nKr? Becuase i want to join these awesome ppl and want to be ranked up in clan ranks which makes me feel more noticable ( if you know wat i mean)
Will you help with the designing and building of our projects? Yes i would love to make a castle for holding banks, shops etc...
Will be be willing to partake in fun activities, such as inter-clan PvP? Yes i wouldnt care if i lose my diamonds cuz the clan needs it more than me im just a iron lover so i will fight to get iron :) ( not rlly a diamond lover) P.S i need someone to take the diamond armour end=chanted off me probably one of the leaders. ;)
Do you want the tag (nKr)? Yes i rlly want it becuase it represents honour in being a New Kreatious Replubician.\

PLz accept this requirment i would preferably like to be a ctz and not higher till i earn wats right of the rank. ;)
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Re: New Kreatious Republic

by kieranchocian » Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:44 am

Accepted! Since you wanted civillian, we are going to give it to you. We hope to enjoy being in the clan. :)
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Re: New Kreatious Republic

by pyrusbrawler30 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:59 am

Just wondering, could nKr have a nice little alliance with Flame?
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Re: New Kreatious Republic

by JUSTRON123 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:06 pm

I designed a fountain for the city,


If you want to see it closer,
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Re: New Kreatious Republic

by solarsteve » Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:26 pm

IGN: Solarsteve
Why do you want to join nKr: Because its awesome!
Will you help with the designing and building of our projects: Yes
Will be willing to partake in fun activitites such as inter clan PVP? Yes! its fun :D
Do you want the tag nKr: Of course it awsome

Dont care what rank I get I will work to get up
Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:37 pm

Re: New Kreatious Republic

by FiestyFrog » Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:39 pm

What is your IGN (In-Game-Name)? FiestyFrog
Why do you want to join nKr? I've been playing kreatious a very long time, My computer has had a few problems making me unable to play... I've started come back to kreatious and i'm looking for a clan to join, i've read the post and i'm happy with what's been written
Will you help with the designing and building of our projects? I will help as much as possible on designing (Not really my strong point.) But i will be able to help build(This is my stronger point.)
Will be be willing to partake in fun activities, such as inter-clan PvP? I'll be more than willing, I'm the type of guy, who doesn't mind to stop doing what he's doing and to join in with various Event's/Games
Do you want the tag (nKr)? I will hopefully be able to wear the nKr tag with pride ;)

Hope you take my application into consideration


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Re: New Kreatious Republic

by ArjanLuvsNeytiri » Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:02 am

Ballue / SolarSteve- Accepted!
- As a civilian for now, I've seen your participation in Sunside and Solar Town though :3

FeistyFrog- Accepted!
- As a private for now, I' remember you with phalas and eyewhin though :# You guys did great work on tudor.
I am very good bad boy
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Re: New Kreatious Republic

by solarsteve » Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:40 am

Didn't mean to post this sorry
Last edited by solarsteve on Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:37 pm

Re: New Kreatious Republic

by solarsteve » Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:44 am

[quote="solarsteve] Ill try to rank as much as I can by helping you all as much as I can I'm glad to be a nKr too thanks :D
Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:37 pm


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