I'm leaving.

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I'm leaving.

by ArjanLuvsNeytiri » Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:09 pm

There will be bad language in this, if you don't like or going to give a hissy fit you best hit backspace.

I've told a handful of you that I'm leaving. I've been holding off for a little bit. I've been told to stay but blah blah, it'll all lead to the same thing, and getting ignored. Even though I haven't brought it up to someone in "particular", I feel like I'd get no-where either way. I've been thinking about the way things have been handled for a while, but magically shit seem to hit the fan one day, and it seems like the community is crumbling a little bit, and I think most of the Veterans and mods have agreed or do agree with that. It comes across that since mods aren't much needed anymore, they can hit the curb without losing much in the way of a server. I've met a poop load of great people on the server, but I'd rather leave now then ultimately leave in 5 months, or a year.

Probably my best friend on the server, KieranChocian. I don't need to get whiny or a "pussy" in the way you generally refer to me. We still can spam eachother on xboxlive until I smack the Polish out of you and block you.

Icefang has been close to me for a while, and even though this is the internet, and deep down we all have no lives. Icefang has gotten on a personal level with me ( Don't be stupid) And it's something weird to even think about over the internet.

Neko and Irish are pretty much the ones I look to for advice in my late night blabbers that just go on for hours. They've listened to me go on and on about life and never told me to shut up, even though I know somewhere they've probably wanted to.

Sdor iz ma hvz budday. I remember me giving him diamonds so he doesnt quit when he was just a nubby default, and now he's made it to moderator. Even though he tried to do the same I've done for him, I've been set on leaving up to this point.

Nezark - Thanks for spending the last 2 hours of your night and getting in trouble trying to convince me. You've been a racist for a while and it's quite sad.

Even though everyone and their mother seems to hate on Justron, I've seem to like him since he got veteran. I wouldn't care if Justron was Ace, or Ace was Justron. If what I heard about Justron towards his demotion is true, demoting him is just making what he "said" true. <-- Irish and Neko know what I'm talking about here.

Gotmilk, Mouseman, Zuko, Fishhuman, Killer , and a bunch of residents. Hope it doesn't come across that I don't like you guys because of your rank or some crap. I try to be fair between the residents and veterans, and I've even banned Veterans for not following the rules. I tried to be liked by everyone on the server, and I know I've become friends with a great chunk of you guys.

Feir- Oh ma Feir, How much I hate you. You're a mean S.O.B but even though this is the internet and I'm being corny and crap, I have major respect for you. I knew you were hard on me when I first got moderator, and I was scared as shit to ask for help whenever I needed it. I've probably went to every alert and fixed the tiniest grief just to get experience and not look like a bad mod infront of you.

Zeenoo- You're a badass fighting for our country. Best of luck to you, your wife and your babeh.

If you wanna leave if I'm leaving ---> Sxkfvr. Don't. It'll lead to no where and you're just losing a bunch of friends in the mean time with no purpose of leaving.

I'll re-download steam and get back to TF2. If you have steam of XBL. Be sure to plop it down below. I'm expecting a full friends list in a week. ;)

Also. If I obviously don't like you, and you know it. Don't bother giving me a fake " ;) Bai I'll miss you".
I am very good bad boy
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Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:13 pm

Re: I'm leaving.

by kieranchocian » Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:23 pm

About time...

love you; add me on steam. Also, play some CoD on xbl soon?
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Re: I'm leaving.

by sxkfrvr » Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:37 pm

dang it arjan! you told me you was staying! why you lied to me, dang it, i came back because i thought you were staying!!!
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Re: I'm leaving.

by SDOR3 » Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:50 pm

Love you Arjan, will never forget the time I almost quit when I was a resident but you convinced me not to.
(Wish I could have done the same for you.) Or the time when we teamed up in the November HvZ event and made a small base in the floating island at the original continent spawn.
All in all good luck, and have fun in life; wherever it may take you.

~Your buddeh Sdor.

PS: You still up for Starbucks later? :3
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Re: I'm leaving.

by kieranchocian » Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:09 pm

Cue(Que?) the soppy post:

Arjan, we've been internet boyfrie- friends for a long time. The first time I properly interacted with you was when you needed help digging land for your house. You went offline after like an hour, but I carried on until like 1am my time. When I came back on, you was like 'wtf?' (Yes, I am great at storytelling). We've been there to listen to one another's crap in our lives, and given advice when needed/wanted. It's sad to see you go, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do. Since you're great with historic stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if you pursued a career in history (but you don't seem boring enough to do that). I hope life treats you well and all of the chicks dig you later in life.

-Kieran (Sorry about the crappy formatting)

PS- eat a dick
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Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:27 pm

Re: I'm leaving.

by malandrix_bunny » Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:06 pm

I fully agree with all the things stated above. For a couple of months I have been inactive to... some reasons that you have stated above apply to me and I fully understand. Gonna miss you :(

Talk on steam?
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Re: I'm leaving.

by 007coolcube » Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:02 am

godamit arjan. one job.

*sigh* Best buddies?

cats are amazing
What can I say? I'm a cool cube.
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Re: I'm leaving.

by ArjanLuvsNeytiri » Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:15 am

Cube. Gimme yo XBL now
I am very good bad boy
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Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:13 pm

Re: I'm leaving.

by Zeenoo » Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:21 am


I'll miss you :(
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Re: I'm leaving.

by ChubbyPikachu25 » Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:35 am

My creds for Steam and XBL

Steam - Rick Grimes http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039267516/

XBL - ChubberJ
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