Well.. this is a project me and Snowbrdd (and Co) will be starting...
But, we need,
545 stacks of iron blocks,
30 double chests of stone,
and 2k spruce logs (35 stacks)
Some lapis and clay... lol
Thanks to:
Ron - For donating 5 stacks of iron BLOCKS
Neko - Donating 8 stacks of stone and 6 stacks of iron blocks
Nezark - Donating 35 stacks of spruce logs
Krazy_kazlov - donating 3 stacks of stone
Aquad - 27 stacks of stone
Morpher - 6 stacks of iron blocks
Sonic - 5 stacks of iron blocks
defalzelu - 72 stacks of cobble O.o
cruiser - 144 stacks of stone
nezark - another 55 stacks of logs
you need to donate over 5 stacks of iron block OR 30 stacks of stone to know what it is :3
will take WEEKS to build.
donations would be amazing..
And for those who do know, please, do NOT release any info about it.