There are no noobs on Kreatious...
Okay, good point.
I'm not code-savvy enough to make any real recommendations.
Credit/debit card transactions often use time-stamps to avoid double-charging a card accidentally. How viable is it to use this same concept with /mail when the messages are identical?
/mail Nezark123 Romedynoob has attempted a [insert sign info here] but your chest is out of stock.
/mail Nezark123 Romedynoob has attempted a [insert sign info here] but your chest is out of stock.
/mail Nezark123 Romedynoob has attempted a [insert sign info here] but your chest is out of stock.
/mail Nezark123 Romedynoob has attempted a [insert sign info here] but your chest is out of stock.
/mail Nezark123 Romedynoob has attempted a [insert sign info here] but your chest is out of stock.
/mail Nezark123 Romedynoob has attempted a [insert sign info here] but your chest is out of stock.
/mail Nezark123 Romedynoob has attempted a [insert sign info here] but your chest is out of stock.