IGN: vezaciek (QueenVee)
Hours online: 197.1
Rank online: Donor
Do you want to donate? (If so, what?): Not at the moment, but will soon.
Do you want the tag?: Of course! I want people to be like, "Aww man... That QueenVee is so respectable and cool. I wonder where she gets it?" and sees [Soul] after my name.
Why do you want to join the clan?: Well, for several reasons. First, because I wanted to be in an awesome group and Soul is where it's at. I also have more frannds in this clan - like Neko and Blow, AND YOU TIM - even though you hate me for our shared love of Neko. Plus I feel that I am a good representative for a clan. I like to be involved on the server and I think that I could be a good spokesperson for Soul.
I respect your decision and hope that you choose me to be in your clan! It would be an honor. :')