Crocus Empire

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Crocus Empire

by CarlosRDuque » Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:34 pm

Well first of all hello to all people that don't know me, I'm an old veteran that been playing on this server since 2011, I did take a long break and didn't play as much on 2012, but now that I'm back I decided to build again one project that I been working on since 2011, thou never got to finish it because of some issues I had.

The city or area I want to build is called Crocus, and this will be my 5th attempt at building it, for starters the area is a 301 diameter circle, there are some ruins left on the Old continent of one city I tried to make early 2012, that would be the "ruins" of Leon, that place is the same a 301 diameter circle.

I would need lots of materials for this, also builders and most important people to help clear a huge area like the one I plan to use.

I decided to do this now since the new update brings lots of cool stuff that I surely will use.

I would need:
-1000+ stacks of Harden Clay
-1000+ stacks of Stone
-500+ stacks of Sand
-500+ stacks of Coal
-250+ stacks of all the different kinds of Wood
-Lots of stacks of wool
-Lots of stacks of other materials.

Anyone that wants to help feel free to contact me

Leaders of the Project


Me and Sparklez have been working on this since 2011, killbot is one of our most trusted helpers he has worked with us for a long time.

So one thing I have to warn anyone that wants to help is that there is no set design that is going to be built, all this time I have come up with the design of it, Sparklez tends to get bossy and give plans of a design he has work on. Also 1 thing that is the most important thing about this project is that you have to be very patient with Me and Sparklez.
Hope you can handle the 2 of us and join to help.

Here are the 4 previous attempts for project

1. Sparkle City - District 13
This first one was Sparklez idea, we began building it but I wasn't helping that much since at the time I was building Hogwarts, we did most of the digging using TNT, soon we stopped since we had to move to the temp map.

2. District 13: Leon Capitol City
This second one was after the temp map, me and Sparklez began with making the Leon Clan, killbot join the clan and began helping, and also we got lots of help from other people, the 2 of us spent time working on it and when Sparklez wasn't on I worked on the farms that are on the outside of it, but soon we got less and less help eventually we gave up and stop building it and playing MC.

3. Fairy Tail Clan Capitol: Magnolia
This 3rd one began with the 3 of us, me, Sparklez and killbot, this one was on a "different" server, we formed the Fairy Tail Clan, we got lots of help, mostly with clearing the water from the huge ocean in which the city was built on, thou I began working on it less and less since at the time I was a Mod on the server so I has other duties to do, eventually the map was reset so all the work we did was gone.

4. The Blooming Capital - Crocus
This last one was after the map reset, Sparklez begame less interested in it, since we had to begin all over again, I continue working on it, killbot also was working with me too, I was still a Mod in the same server I was playing on, but this time I got more help from other Mods that join the FT clan, this time we decrease work since we still built the city in the middle of the ocean but instead of clearing the water we decided to build on top of it, but didn't go far with this project either since the server was closed down.
Last edited by CarlosRDuque on Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:04 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Crocus Empire

by snowbrdd » Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:54 am

I can lend you some beacons to hasten up your mining. <- (see what i did thar. XD)
But you do realize that you're talking 2 million + in materials?
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Re: Crocus Empire

by CarlosRDuque » Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:36 am

Yes I know, the project has failed many times now because we didn't get much help and it ended up just being me, sparklez and killbot doing everything we got bored of digging and collecting millions of materials and just stopped working on the project. It has happen 4 time in total. 2 of them are as I said the "ruins" of Leon, that is on the Old Continent, and the other is in the Old old map near an unfinished Hogwarts castle that I also was working on, the other 2 unfinished are in a different (already closed) server that I played on part of 2012 with sparklez and killbot too
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Re: Crocus Empire

by stormbringer1 » Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:19 am

What's the level of materials that we need for this?


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Re: Crocus Empire

by killbot11 » Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:01 am

I'm glad that you still remember me, and still include me in projects! :D My Minecraft has been buggy, and I've been playing with Millenire for longer than I should. Also, I just enter the high school life, so I didn't have as much time as before. I'm currently trying to fix my Minecraft. Hopefully we have a lot more support for these projects! Alright See ya! -killbot11 :D
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