Clan USMC - Minecraft

Clan USMC - Minecraft

by Peter32699 » Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:19 am

Welcome to Clan USMC's recruiting page! I am Peter32699, the founder of USMC. This clan is devoted to having a fun time. However, this includes some fundamental rules:

1)Do not grief anyone else's houses, as this can result in an "expulsion"
2)Do not use bad language (this includes minor swear words too)
3)No whining or spamming the chat
4)Have a good time!

If you believe that you can comply to these rules, you may be able to join! Here are some steps:

1)Fill out the application as follows:

Minecraft IGN:
Desired USMC name:
How did you find us:
Do you like tacos:

(Note: the "do you like tacos" will not effect your application)

2)Wait until I see the application. I will respond to the application with a "Yes, you are in" or "No, rejected <reason>" This may take some time, as I live in Central Standard Time, but I will try to get to it as soon as possible. You can also contact me if I haven't responded in over a week, at

3)Get a customized skin, that is not the default. You can go to "" or "" to get this. There is no limitations as to what skin you can where, except it has to be reasonably appropriate (no nude skins, no offensive skins)

That is all! I look forward to seeing you in-game! :D
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Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:32 am

Re: Clan USMC - Minecraft

by Jsblackout82 » Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:24 am

wtf is this, sorry. well good luck getting any of our friends from school to join cuz they are all with me.
This is Sparta!!!!!! "King Leonidas"
Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:39 pm

Re: Clan USMC - Minecraft

by Peter32699 » Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:26 pm

Jack, I'm sorry, but remember when Nolan was like "Jack M. we should make a new clan together!" Plus, you're being a mean leader.
-Птер Морин
I  Brooke
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Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:32 am

Re: Clan USMC - Minecraft

by bondsmatthew » Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:55 am

This hasn't been used in 2 months. I'm going to go ahead and.. move this.
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