Ok i might as well get this straight
Jackal201=Head of Military
nolancw= head of building
crazyhair9=head of economy(Golden nuggets is the currency)
Likeaboss223=Head of resource gathering
Bigeye1=Head of security within the city
Jsblackout82=Head of pretty much everything (like an overseer to the heads for their areas of expertise)
Zack292=I am not yet sure if he is joining he said he would check out the clan but i do not know
And can someone help me now that there is enough people for the clan tag how do i ask zerg does he just read this or do i have to private message him in game.
There will be a 200x200 square with the city in there surrounded by a 4 wide wall with walkways. The palace will be at the center of the square in a 20x20 square. I and Nolancw made a model in the sky world but unfortunately we are not able to access that. The floors and streets of the city will be made out of stone bricks while the majority of the houses will be made out of smooth stone.
Also you may have only seen some of these people apply on the forum but i talked to them and they said they would join. Since sparta is six characters zerg please make the tag like this Sprta Sorry about the lower case i's i dont really want to fix them