I don't have XBox Live, BUT I can do have a gamertag, so I'll just put it here. GT: Sonicff7 Plus, you'll be able to hear my voice since I got a mic on the Xbox.
The consumption of babies enlighten me.
Want to see me go down my line of ranks on kreatious, and random games I have? CLICKY
GT:SombreN00b13 (send me a message on xbox before u send me a friend request please) (multiplayer)Games:Bioshock 2,Orange Box(includes TF2),Stranglehold,Castle Crashers,
(ill update this next time im about to go on my xbox 360 :3)
Last edited by GoldenGuy45 on Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.