From the 1.7 world:
-Do not use offensive language
-Respect all staff! Listen to what the staff say
-No destroying or changing things that aren't yours
-Do not insult other players
-No stealing
-No trolling
-No offensive comments towards anyone
-No religious symbols or imagery
-No advertising other servers.
-No ideological imagery or symbols
-No trespassing private areas.
-Do not build too close to other people's structures
-Build at least 50 blocks away from others, unless agreed.
-Ask if unsure of anything
-No hacking
-No duping
-No flyhacking
-No speedhacking
-Do not accept duped items
-Do not kill other players outside of PvP
-No spamming chat
-Ask for permission before building in Spawn City
-Land is claimed by building something substantial
-Teamspeak: pw:kreatious
<I think this may be wrong-No offensive skins
-Do not ask mods to use their powers for your gain
Forums: /pvp to toggle hitting players.