HIPPIBUTT960 Keeps Griefing!

HIPPIBUTT960 Keeps Griefing!

by stephaniemkayy » Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:21 pm

I told hippibutt960 to stop griefing when he first griefed at my house! and he said he wouldnt and put the block back, and then a few minutes later he comes back and griefs again!! He knows hes in trouble because we i told him again he logged out! Admins and Mods are never on so idk who to tell and how he can get banned! He is obviously gonna keep griefing my place and others!

Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:31 pm

Re: HIPPIBUTT960 Keeps Griefing!

by VVX1000 » Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:43 pm

Just a tip, type /homeset or /sethome to create your home. If i remember, it creates a 50x50 or 60x60 block radius that you can only build on. That's how people stop griefing you.
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Re: HIPPIBUTT960 Keeps Griefing!

by Arjan_M » Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:51 pm

./home doesnt set a distance for your area, If you built on something. Its your and yours only unless you /hire. Like I told you in-game, wait until a mod comes online and takes care of it.
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Re: HIPPIBUTT960 Keeps Griefing!

by stephaniemkayy » Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:59 pm

He has griefed me for the 4th time as of now. The first 2 times i caught him ,but no admin or mod would ban him. I came on 2 weeks later and my house was griefed by Hippibutt960 again and was banned for 3 hours. I came on yesterday hoping to have a fun time playing the server and I find my house griefed again... the same way it was griefed last time. I'm really hoping this kid gets permbanned because this has been happening for weeks and I'm sick of it. I'm a 100% sure he's just gonna keep coming back. I warned him and he just keeps saying okay. Please ban him! He's obviously gonna keep coming back! Please don't let it be a short ban, make it a while because once he's unbanned he's gonna come back to my house. I think he /sethome my house because he just pops up to my house when I saw him last time.. or it could be a Hack?
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