cosmic elephant!!!

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cosmic elephant!!!

by aceflamingo23 » Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:01 pm

sea serpent, crypto-critters, ufos, psi powers, mib's, yeti-bigfoot, teleportations ghosts crop circles nessie time-slips!!!
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Re: cosmic elephant!!!

by malandrix_bunny » Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:09 pm

This post makes no sense. Recently ace i have seen you post a lot of things that make you seem a little immature. :?
If you were meaning to play or make a game it should be placed into another part of the forums (Forum Games). And if it is a game than you should really give instructions and rules. Unless those are applied to this post this is complete spam :cry:
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Re: cosmic elephant!!!

by aceflamingo23 » Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:28 pm

naw man dis aint no game, this is real man! its all real!! and this is not spam mccoy told me that if i start my own topic instead of posting on someone elses that it wouldn't be spam.
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Re: cosmic elephant!!!

by McCoy1996 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:15 pm

Its fine :roll:
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Re: cosmic elephant!!!

by aceflamingo23 » Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:24 pm

man, did you guys know about this thing man, it happened in kentucky, and there was these rednecks drinking moonshine right?? so these aleins come down from outer space and try to break in there windows, but they shoot at them and they just keep coming back, so they go to the cops and are all like "yo cops, we got a situation" so the cops come to the house and they find this glowing thing under a barrel but the aleins left, and then the cops leave for the night and the aliens come back and start harassing them , then they shot them again and they leave!!! man what up with that man!
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Re: cosmic elephant!!!

by aceflamingo23 » Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:34 pm

man, i saw dis one trippy show on the animal channel while i was chilling one night, and man there was this people who was in new jeosrey and then they went into da woods and they all got seperated from they homies so they was all out then this bat thing show up and it was the jersey devil man!! the jersey devil!! and it chase them to this houzze with all this writing all over it then the guys was like man we aint gonna take this no more so they got and axe and just attacked the thing and it flew away man!! it flew away!! man those people should have been packing heat on they road trip then they would have just been able shot the thing and sell its body to the feds for lots of money man!
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Re: cosmic elephant!!!

by Pokemonguy1999 » Tue May 15, 2012 8:36 am

ace please remove the admin sig or u might get banned from forums just warning u
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