[Kerrda] Clan

[Kerrda] Clan

by MrReebo » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:09 am

WARNING: Suggested age is 16. Some BAAADDDD stuff is gonna go down in here, man.

If you are or wish to become a new resident of our sky island, dubbed for now, "Kerrda" (Subject to change), then leave a comment and answer the following questions.

Do you like the movie Avatar?

What grade are you in?

What is your favorite game?

What is your favorite video game counsel?

And lastly, answer the following question truthfully:
How likely are you to kill someone over any dispute? Name that dispute.

We'll try to get back to you as often as possible.

*It should be noted that even if we accept your request here, you still must complete our hedge maze to gain admittance to our island.
If you wish to try it out, our coordinates are as follows,

y: 79.6
Z: 2236.6
f: 3

DIRECTIONS: Follow the yellow path from spawn, continue straight until you reach a section of the track that is both in a desert, AND has a huge dirt island looming above it.
It should also be noted that all rules are available in our Town Hall, the gist is, all members must obey The Founders (MrReebo, TTopHat, Purpureum), no lava is allowed, greifing will be turned in to a mod (although I seriously doubt they'll do anything about it), and a Founder will give you a plot of land to build on.
If a Founder is not on, then you make take orders from the following players as ranked by likelihood to screw with you (One being most likely, and 4 being least likely to screw with you)

1. NickWolfman
2. NeonMuffy

The same goes for the founders, in the same order as shown above. (Meaning MrReebo & TTopHat are less likely to screw with you then Purpureum)

These are members that are competently banned, and no matter what may not become part of our sky island. NO EXCEPTIONS.


Anyone found harboring these criminals will be equally shunned from the island.
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Re: [Kerrda] Clan

by cruiserman » Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:29 am

So you want to out of brony because arjan is my friend?
I like tacos. Why you no like tacos?
http://imgur.com/ayVDmPq<< zerg
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Re: [Kerrda] Clan

by Kerfuffleology » Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:32 pm

I already live there, but sure, I'll apply to join.

Do you like the movie Avatar?

A)The Last airbender or the movie by James Camoran? Regardless, the answer's Yes.

What grade are you in?


What is your favorite game?

A)Of all time, Probably TES: Oblivion, especially with the shivering isles expansion.

What is your favorite video game counsel?

A)..Does PC count? If not, Xbox360. Mainly because that's really the only other one I have.

And lastly, answer the following question truthfully:
How likely are you to kill someone over any dispute? Name that dispute.

A)Excruciatingly unlikely, but what would probably drive me closest would be to pretty much destroy and steal everything (or a sizeable amount of things) I or everyone else on the island invested a lot of time in.
Yeah, that would probably do it.
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Re: [Kerrda] Clan

by Arjan_M » Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:04 am

Well. I dun wanna start with you..

Just realize. When you try to be smart with mods you get no where.. When you complain all the mods hate you, and go into a little rant.. That doesn't get out anywhere either.

you maek me realleh sad dat u ban me tho :(
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Re: [Kerrda] Clan

by mattme1 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:31 am

I got mAny questions about your sky city. Q. I'm guessing it's really small.right? 2. Why are those people banned??? And why is it in the clAn section of forums??
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Re: [Kerrda] Clan

by MrReebo » Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:35 pm

Cruiserman, I do not want to be out of the brony clan. I made this so I could put a [Kerrda] on everything and not have to use 60 signs in our combined armory. I plan to stay in the Brony clan, and have mine be the only name on the signs, other then the clan name.

You are a mod. You should know the difference by now between blind rage and someone trying to be "smart" thus getting a rise out of you. I am smart. I also get really angry, really quickly (thank the bullies from my childhood). It bothers me when someone can do as they feel, and not be punished, and it bothers me even more when mods don't even listen to me, when I am DIRECTLY speaking to them and trying to explain to them how and why I feel a certain way about people.

Answer 1: No, it is not small. more then two of the islands branching off of the main hub are 100x100 dirt blocks. It's probably (technically) bigger then most other cities, simply because we actually had to place each and every block that you step, climb, or walk on.
Answer 2:
Brodassor: BLATANTLY griefed us multiple times. (I.E., stole cobblestone and directly threw it into lava, stole all of our stuff)

Pantherzzz: Continually tried to breach our island during construction

DJ_Smurfberry: Not really a ban, but is genuinely annoying us by destroying the forest below us.

Kevlin1996: Built a room around out nether portal exit, and locked the door around it. When we asked him multiple times to please remove it, he refused. He also has the longest track record with us (he has also attempted to breach our island multiple times)

WhiteKid17: Built horrible horrible house beneath us, and refused to talk to us about it, at all.

Arjan: Is annoying and doesn't take the time to listen to what people are saying, insisting on kicking them for spam rather then answering the questions.

Answer 3: This is in the clan section because we want this to become a clan. After the last incident that left our island cold and naked we want to be able to easily place locks for all of our items, and rather then place 3 signs on each thing to include all 10 of our residents, we believe this is easier.
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Re: [Kerrda] Clan

by Arjan_M » Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:15 am


You call repeatedly trying to correct peoples grammar and start spamming chat with you're or your after _every_ sentence is blind rage? Then go on and continue after I tell you to stop? _Smart_ not "blind rage"

and saying I'm annoying? Because I try to stop you from annoying everyone in global?

Now gimme a reason to _even_ list to you.
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Re: [Kerrda] Clan

by MrReebo » Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:30 am

I dunno Arjan, why should you "lists" to me?
Oh, that's right. Maybe because that's your job as a mod?
So what if I screw around in the chat sometimes? Does that mean you should be allowed to shirk your duties?
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Re: [Kerrda] Clan

by TTopHat » Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:32 am

First off, Arjan, is this really an appropriate place to be ranting at us? Secondly, you do tend to call people out for spam after they say one thing.

Do you like the movie Avatar?
Of course not!

What grade are you in?
All of them. Or 10th.

What is your favorite game?
Majora's Mask, obviously.

What is your favorite video game counsel?
The N-mothersmegging-64.

And lastly, answer the following question truthfully:
How likely are you to kill someone over any dispute? Name that dispute.
Simultaneously likely and unlikely. Because Chaos Theory.
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Re: [Kerrda] Clan

by Arjan_M » Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:11 am

TTophat. Is this really an appropriate place to be ranting about me? Nupe

And TTophat. I am the only mod that uses a verbal warn before kicking. I've been a chat mod before. I know what spam is.
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