My name in real life is Tyler. I love videogames. It is the only thing I do for fun! Almost everything else to me is boring. I'm a quadruplet. That mean I was born with 3 other humas at the same time, from the same mother, so I cannot get easily annoyed. My favorite videogame of all time is the first left 4 dead on Xbox 360. I beat all campaigns (except for the add-ons (which I have) on expert. The only achievement I need for the 1st left 4 dead is Untouchables. I've even got the glitched add-on achievements by unglitching them. I like collecting achievements. If you say I don't have a life, i don't care because I have a life of videogames and Im happy with it. I also play videogames all the time (that will allow me, which is alot time). Im 16 and live in Oklahoma, Tulsa.
My Xbox 360 GamerTag is: TonedTyphoon. No space. Both Ts capitalized. From the time since I have posted this bio is only 3 weeks and I have onlly played MineCraft 6 times. I learned about this server from my friend Icefang 113. I have plenty of time to play. the times that I'am not on is when I play my Xbox 360. I hate griefers and Im rarely ok with trolls. so keep that in mind. my goal is to be at least a vetern. maybe even a mod but I doubt it. I like earning stuff fair-and-sqare. If your kind to me I'll be twice as kind to you and most likely help you build stuff and give you stuff. so yeah I hope I get to see you in kreatious. P.S. if I upset you sorry, most of the time I'm jokin around, but sometimes when I do upset you it's because your saying bad stuff about or to my friends, or even griefing them. tell me what you think about me.