Origin ID: vMrLegacy (Currently only have Battlefield 3, next game will most likely be MoH: WF, so if you have either, add me) Steam: Colon-Apostrophe-Capitalized-C (Long story, just add it)
Off topic doesn't involve random crap with players saying they like certain types of food... I think you're just trying to get more posts on the forums, go watch youtube videos if you're bored.
Roses are red, violets are blue, Kiwis are stupid, Aussies own you. iExspee
I'm not looking for any attention.. i just want to see any people that like the same food i do… you don't need to ruin it for me you know? hence why i /ignored you
alan_x_zhu Wrote:I'm not looking for any attention.. i just want to see any people that like the same food i do… you don't need to ruin it for me you know? hence why i /ignored you
Why don't you just put a new post in the first topic instead of creating an entirely new topic?