Welcome to New Kreatious Republic, the newest clan to join the server. At nKr, we aim to be the best and most active clan at designing and building awesome cities for the server. Our first, as you can see from the banner, is a city in the sky.
New Kreatious Republic has 6 main ranks: civillian, private, sergeant, general, commander and leaders. At nKr, we don't care if you are a veteran, mod or default; we care about your qualities and determination. This means that, apart from leader, every rank is available to everyone!
Naturally, some people are going to start at a higher rank. Don't be put off, though; this just means that we know them more than you. To rank up, you can do one (or two) of two things. You can submit a design of something to us that we then implement. This doesn't have to be a city, it can be something like a group of fountains (or something else that looks nice). Another way to rank up is to help with the building of cities. All help will be noticed, and ranks will be handed out accordingly.
How to join
All you have to do is fill in and submit this application form:
What is your IGN (In-Game-Name)?
Why do you want to join nKr?
Will you help with the designing and building of our projects?
Will be be willing to partake in fun activities, such as inter-clan PvP?
Do you want the tag (nKr)?
Current projects
As people just want to move into their houses, we haven't physically started anything yet. Arjan and I are currently designing a sky-based city, and we need all the help we can get. Once we are done with the intial design, we will put up a download link, and clan member can suggest things (you can get a higher rank, remember?).
People with no pictures *yet!*
- Aceflamingo23
- zuko135
- Aleex77
- Awesomedude0021
- FiestyFrog
- equinox23
- 127clifton
- StormBringer1
- Xpod78
- Airdaleterrier