Hello there dear kreatiou"iers" <3
I am thinking of bringing back the oriental town from early kreatious. This is still just a thought and a long way from decided to be a real town/city or if I am going to keep it as my little crib.
As you can see on the pictures it will have a very East-Asian "design" and this might also be one of the rules when building houses. The Cords are NC; x: -750 z: 10250, feel free to come and have a look.
The location is right between ocean, forest, swamp and a jungle, which could be a nice combo.
I havent progressed very long because i joined the server again a day ago, but I will put a lot of effort to this the comming weeks.
If I get many posetive comments for this I will seek some "skilled" builders, in that mean, i want to see some creations they have done before I hire, another build leader and a lot of people who can donate with materials. A lot of wood will be needed.
As i mentioned earlier, many interested people = it will become a town.
Thanks everyone! More pictures and info might come up soon!
And dont forget; Imagination is the only border..