Aww Jeez.

Leaving Kreatious temporarily? Going on holiday for a week? Tell everyone here, so we know what you're up to!

Aww Jeez.

by Irish_Ninja » Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:18 am

Looks like this is it for this old chap. In 6 hours, I'll be on my way to base for my out-processing, then leaving for Basic Training Wednesday morning. So in case I don't get a chance to post any updates between then and now, I'll go ahead and post this now.

By no means is this a 'goodbye.' It's really more of a 'see you guys in a few months,' sort of thing. I have no intention of leaving for good; I will be back, even if just for Chat and Forum purposes. (Although, I do imagine I'll build a thing or two when I'm back, as well.)

It's been a good run, and I've enjoyed my time here.

It's a long list, but I'll try to say something for everyone I talk to regularly (Or past friends). Forgive me if I leave you out; it doesn't mean you're not important, it just means there are a lot of names, and it's 12:30 am.

-Zerg: You've run a great server all this time. Keep it up, so I'll have somewhere to come back to after training.
-Purebo: I know you're not a regular anymore, but you were a cool guy back in the day, and you built some pretty awesome stuff.
-Feir: Oh boy, here we go. You, sir, are a pretty damn snazzy guy. I know you had a falling-out on the server, but please do keep in touch. Hopefully I'll see you when I come back.
-Mccoy: You're in a different timezone than me, but when I had more time on my hands, we had some good times.
-Arjan: Been good talking to you about all the weird stuff we talked about.
-Neko: Same goes for you, mah boi. I expect to see a lot of cool new knives and swords added to the collection when I return.
-Kieran: You crazy, man. You crazy.
-Wicklow: You won't see this, but yours was the first youtube series of the server I ever saw. Didn't know you too well though.
-Ric: They're up to something. I know they're up to something. They're trying to take away our love. You can't let that happen.
-Zaqwsxz: This guy, right here. I know you left a while back, for the most part. But, man, keep being a boss.
-Sonic: Even though you have a screechy bat voice, you're still a bro. Keep being a bro.
-Veilan: I don't see much of you anymore, but you're a cool guy.
-OWCA: Learned a bunch from you, and we had some good times.
-Snakejay: The cool guy with the Link skin. You're also not on here anymore, but cheers anyway.
-Cruiser: Time-zone differences or just schedule conflicts. We don't talk as much as we used to, and that makes one a sad panda.
-Squaredot: Another cool dude. Keep being a cool dude, wherever you are.
-Aquad: This guy also. We had some times, man. A lot of times. Been great talkin to you all this time, and glad you stuck around for so long.
-Damek: We don't agree on a lot of things, but I'll admit, you do have some cool redstone builds.
-Zeenoo: You silly troll, you. Been a big help to the server, and all of us in it.
-Pyrus: It's getting hard to think of original sayings now... So keep being a boss, bruddah.
-Bunneh: Haven't seen ya too much lately. Not sure if you quit or not, but you've been a cool guy.
-Vini: Keep up the cool builds. And keep being awesome. That's all.
-Follet8: Cool guy. Haven't seen him in a while.
-Coolcube: They're mine. And don't you try to steal them while I'm gone. They're tagged, just so you know. I will know.
-Eyewhin: You're awesome. I'm really shocked that you never became vtn. Maybe that may change before I'm back. Crossing my fingers.
-Aceflamingo: You were a grade A troll. I know your goal was to waste our time, become mass-disliked, and cause an uproar in the community, and you did that with flying colors. (See, I can say something nice about anyone)
-Carl: You silly New Zealander. Thanks for LotR, buddeh. XD
-Zuko: Also a cool guy.
-Infamous: ^
-Icefang: Nicefang, Spicefang, Ricefang, Twicefang, MiceLiceVicefang. You are a cool gent. You best still be here when I'm back
-Galleno: Totally pimp dude.
-SDOR3: Also a pimp with loads of swag. May the Shrek be with you.
-Gigglo: Mah boi. That's all I can say.
-Ronvinkwan: Awesome character right here.
-Eiffel: I'm getting lazy with these now. You're cool though, and you know that, so it's alright.
-Morpher: For some reason your name reminded me of a penguin just now, and it made me lol a little.
-Hobbes2718: You know who you are, you fiesty beast, you. Tell the group Hello for me, and I'll be having you post my mailing address here.
-Warkrank: Thanks for all the advice on military stuff. You're a chill guy, and a great mod.
-Nezark: Another cool guy and awesome mod.
-Equinox: You're awesome. Don't you ever forget that.
-Comedian: Mr. Joker. You're always a joy to talk to.
-Snowbrrd: You impress me with your builds. You're a natural; keep it up.
-Fishhuman: Is he a fish, or is he a Human? Who knows, that's the fun.
-Sxkfrvr: Really didn't start talking much until Teamspeak. Always good to talk to you. Stay awesome
-SatansSprite: Same goes for you. Hopefully you'll stick around, because I can see you being vtn one day as well.
-Skyxkai: Because you and sxk have very VERY similar names, it was hard to tell when you were talking. You've always seemed a good guy though.

I know I missed some people. Maybe because of nicknames, maybe because I accidentally scrolled past your name. But to anyone I missed, I'm sorry I missed you, but you were not forgotten.

That all being said, hope you all the best on here. Keep the server alive, and I'll see you all in a few months.
And on a side note, I'll be having Hobbes2718 post a mailing address on my behalf, when I get one. Feel free to send mail, and I will write back. Please don't send anything but mail. Packages such as food, or other items may get me into trouble, and may be thrown out.

~Cheers everyone
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Re: Aww Jeez.

by iExspee » Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:15 am

Well Irish, it's been great having you on this amazing server. I am sad you're leaving but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. Have fun and we'll see you when you get back.
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Re: Aww Jeez.

by zuko135 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:51 am

Have a great time, and ill see you when you get back! And I was also thinking about what you are doing! After high school I am joining the marines though!
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Re: Aww Jeez.

by 007coolcube » Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:53 am

D: why did u have to go along and tag them. Godamit.
How am I meant to get one now? -.-
Mm hmm.. Ill get me a fiine one.. Hmm...

Uhh sorry..mind kinda took over there. Dont ask where it was going to.

Anyway, Irish, i look forward to seeing you when u get back, and im sure you will have many stories to tell. ;)
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Re: Aww Jeez.

by pyrusbrawler30 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:01 am

Irish, best of luck out there! put in a few hits for me! Can't wait to have you come back. take care.
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Re: Aww Jeez.

by Nahuda » Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:16 pm

Bye Irish! D: It'll be different without you around, see you in a bit!
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Re: Aww Jeez.

by modded_pizza » Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:47 pm

bai, we will miss you D:

...i really shouldve talked to you more often :/
ctzn?! i think not :I
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Re: Aww Jeez.

by snowbrdd » Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:35 pm

Bai. Don't tax yourself too much!
I'll see ya around.
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Re: Aww Jeez.

by SonicFF7 » Wed May 01, 2013 12:42 am

Bye Irish! Hope you learn a lot over the time, and come back with even more knowledge for us. Ciao!
Be looking for my letters by the way. =]
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Re: Aww Jeez.

by Icefang113 » Wed May 01, 2013 3:03 am

It was good playing with you, Irish. I wish you the best of luck out there. =)

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