Petalburg City Senate

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Petalburg City Senate

by Prince_VerTex » Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:43 pm

List of Parliamentary Motions (use second link)
This will help

The Petalburg City Senate will represent the majority of people living in Petalburg. I am looking for intelligent, logical, and reasoned people to join us. If you would like to join, please fill out this application.

Code: Select All Code
[b]Name (IGN):[/b]
[b]Age (BE HONEST):[/b]
[b]Political Party Affiliation/Country:[/b]
[b]Why would you be qualified to join this Senate?:[/b]
[b](variable question, will change occasionally) According to the Associated Press [url][/url], Isreal has launched an airstrike on the Gaza Strip. What should we do to intervene, if at all? Why?[/b]

Parliamentary Procedure
I will give you a link to a chart with basic motions on it and instructions for good parliamentary procedure.
Here is an example of parliamentary procedure in use. S represents the Speaker, and other letters will represent member of senate.
S. Are there any motions on the floor
A stands. I move to a main motion.
B stands and seconds the motion, as a motion is required for most motions (except motions of privilege)
S. We will need a majority's vote. All agree say aye. All appose, say nay.
Many congressmen say aye, and nobody says nay. The motion passes, and now business will begin.
A bill is put out onto the floor. A bill is a piece of legislation written by a senator to make laws and regulations.

A bill to build a public skyscraper farm
Article 1:
Section1: A skyscraper farm shall be built on a plot of public land to save space and provide a controlled environment for farming.
Section 2: This farm will be built with abundant wood, and the design will be compact and efficient.
Section 3: The workers of this farm will be paid 1d each to complete this task.
Article 2:
Section 1: This 5 story farm will cost ~10d in materials, with 5d allotted for workers. It will be made with available woods, saving money rather than using stone. There will be 2 stories growing wheat, 1 growing potatoes, 1 growing carrots, and 1 growing melons/pumpkins.
Section 2: Product coming from the farm will be maintained and harvested by volunteers, who will sell said to villagers, visitors, and traders, or the product will be further processed and used in certain products.

S. Is there an author in the house?
C rises.
S. Senator C, you may have the floor.
Senator C makes his speech. Although there is no text limit for speeches, keep it short.
C. This farm would be good n stuff cuz it save space and feed us all and it make surplus for trading mkay
S. Please sit down, senator C. Are there any speeches in negation?
Senator D rises.
S. Senator D, you may take the floor.
D. Um this farm is bad people can grow their own crops okay geez like costs too much to build and save the trees, man. Save the trees.
S. Senator D, take a seat. Are there any speeches in Affirmation?
Nobody rises, because a skyscraper farm is stupid.
S. The chair frowns upon a one-sided debate. Are there any speeches in negation?
Senator A and D rise. Since D has already spoken, A gets to speak.
S. Senator A, you have the floor.
A. Wow the workers are not good and pocket the profit and too many potatoes man, too many potatoes. Dude, where da sugarcane and livestock at. We need cows and cane for more books. And feather and ink and stuff.
S. Senator A, take a seat. Are there any speeches in affirmation? (nobody) Negation? (nobody)
B. I move to a previous question. (voting on bill)
C seconds, and the MOTION TO VOTE ON THE BILL requires a majority vote.
S. This motion requires a two thirds vote.
E. Point of order, (to correct parliamentary error, when in doubt, use it) that motion requires a majority vote.
S. Majority vote. All agree, stand.
4/10 stand.
S. All oppose?
3/10 stand.
All abstain?
2/10 stand.
S. This bill fails. Our next piece of legislation is a resolution to allow taxes on Petalburg citizens.

A resolution to put a tax on the citizens of Petalburg.
Whereas, the city alone cannot support its infrastructure by itself, and
Whereas, Petalburg Citizens have enough resources to support both the city and themselves, and
Whereas, the city needs taxes to support it's legitimacy as a way pointed town.
Therefore, be it resolved by the Petalburg City Senate that:
Petalburg Citizens should be taxed.

And so on, so forth.


In Congress, if you are planning to write legislation for our first meeting, here is a template you can use.

BILL: Specific law that will be enacted

A Bill to _____
Section 1. ___
Section 2. ___
Section 3. A. _______
B. _______
SECTION 4. This law will take effect (IN A CERTAIN TIME)
Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by ________

Resolution: Legislation that pretty much says "Hey guys, we should do this!"

A Resolution to
WHEREAS, ; and
WHEREAS, ; and
WHEREAS, ; and
WHEREAS, ; and
WHEREAS, ; and
WHEREAS, ; and
WHEREAS, ; and
WHEREAS, ; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that.
Introduced by

If you really want to donate to this cause, ask Prince_VerTex if you want to give anything. The City Hall at Petalburg will have information and a donation box at the entrance.

What we really need are MEMBERS
yep guise
srs biz
Joined: Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:50 pm

Re: Petalburg City Senate

by masy1 » Wed Dec 25, 2013 4:36 am

much wow.
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Re: Petalburg City Senate

by FPSrusher » Wed Dec 25, 2013 12:26 pm

A random Prince_VerTex appeared
Prince_VerTex used wall of confusing parliamentary procedures text
Its super effective!
FPSrusher was confused
FPSrusher hurt itself in it's confusion
FPSrusher fainted
You are out of useable pokemon, you white out...
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