namebros ban apple

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namebros ban apple

by ThisIsMYNameBro » Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:08 am

Your in-game name: ThisIsMYNameBro
Person who banned you: maxmmm1501
Reason for the ban: I'm just going to keep banning you untill you stop coming in my egg vault
Reason(s) for unban: Lets start off just by asking why you were teleporting to me in the first place. For the past 30 minutes you'd been teleporting to me (and not obeying my request to leave, I might add) while I was minding my own business. When I actually went into your vault, I was invisible. You didn't walk forward or look at me, but instead just teleported. When you realized you had landed in your own vault you immediately just chose to ban me.

I asked you once to leave and waited about 30 seconds and you didn't until I asked again:

Then again, less than 10 minutes later you teleported to me again and I asked you to leave to which you responded with walking through a wall and shifting to try and hide until I walked over and asked you again to leave:

So max, why is it that you ban me instantly after discovering that I had teleported into your vault, which you only realized had happened because you were teleporting to me AGAIN, but when you teleport to me and I ask you to leave my house you decide to stay?
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Re: namebros ban apple

by maxmmm1501 » Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:13 am

-I tell you you cant be in my vault
-you ask "even if you cant see me"
-I say, still cant be there, ill still ban you

Obviously thinking youre just going to go get invis potions, I tp to you, youre running towards your nc place

5 mins later

/invsee thisismynamebro
/getloc thisismynamebro

*sees potion ingredients*, tps
5 mins later

/invsee thisismynamebro
/getloc thisismynamebro

*sees more potion ingredients*, tps
tps to see what youre doing, does /back (which does take time, its not instant like /tpo)

like 20 mins:
/invsee thisismynamebro
/getloc thisismynamebro

sees a bunch of invis potions

5 mins later
/getloc thisismynamebro

Youre in my vault
I tp to make sure
send you to spawn
and ban you, as I had warned you.

I am getting tired of this, set your home somewhere else.

Youre asking to be unbanned for a thing you did that I had JUST TOLD YOU I WOULD BAN YOU FOR.
I am denying this, when you come back please just set your home somewhere else.
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Re: namebros ban apple

by ThisIsMYNameBro » Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:15 am

I did not put any potion ingredients in my inventory until about 5 minutes before actually teleporting into your vault. The closest I got to actually having ingredients in my inventory was buying them from web trade and /msg'ing shady asking him for a brown mushroom.
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Re: namebros ban apple

by maxmmm1501 » Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:19 am

Over the time you had:
Brewing stand (you go and the first thing you get is a brewing stand, not suspicious at all)
Spider eye
possibly others that I don't remember
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Re: namebros ban apple

by ThisIsMYNameBro » Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:23 am

Even if I did grab those items when I got home, which I didnt until long after you originally claimed i did, you were teleporting to me before I even got to my house and followed me all the way there. Whats the reason for that?
Whats the reason for constantly checking my inventory too?
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Re: namebros ban apple

by maxmmm1501 » Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:27 am

Youre heading for your house (assumingly to get potion ingredients/potions), now any other time this wouldn't be suspicious. But it was RIGHT AFTER you hinted at being invisible.

Checking your inventory? To see if you were making potions. I don't trust you any more, and it was pretty obvious you were going to make them.

None of these replies change the fact that you still did something that I told you I would ban you for less than a hour before, just to see if you could get away with and/or annoy me.
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