- The Donor prefix and a blue name: [G][Donor@Player]
- Access to donor chat, a chat where you can swear and all Donor+ are in. (you can /lch d if you don't want to be there)
- Unlimited use of a randomly picked voter command (/donor tells which commands you have unlimited)
- Access to macros (/m). These allow players to enter chat messages into macros to say them quickly (This is how players welcome new players so fast)
- Ability to start votes (/vote day /vote rain /vote night)
- Ability to color text in donor chat (/color &<letter/numbercode> <text to color>) Color codes here or use /rainbow for colored chat in donor
- See /explode (a vdonor+ command) explosions.
- Blue name on the forums (update your rank by doing this) and the donor rank on teamspeak (You can join more channels as a donor) (Ask a staff member on teamspeak to update your rank)
- Access to any chest or other private block that has [Donor+] on the private sign.
All of those Benefits only last a month other than the unlimited vote command, you keep that forever.
Forum and TeamSpeak ranks you keep until they get updated.
Donations over $5 will still only get you the benefits for a month.
You do NOT get any in game items for donating, no items are spawned in on this server.