i got my friend Shelby on (@Shillard)
and he couldnt find any trees to build the New Sunside "re-education and penitentiary facility" with.
So put on ur Central Banking cap for a second.
I think Kreatious needs a new economic system bcuz the diamonds as currency is not working. We need to change to a fiat economy, with the currency backed up by a certain amount of Emerald.
So now the economic system is 1:1 backed by Diamonds. 1 Diamond is essentially 1 unit of currency, backed by itself.
If you changed to, say, 5:1 or 6:1 (I think would work best) with the amount of currency "in circulation" backed by 5 or 6 emeralds. Then it would require emerald mining to provide for an economic expansion.
Oh yeah this will only work if I'm put in charge of the server's currency supply as well. Trust me.